Mindfulness Travels is located in Asheville, North Carolina.
Our educational services are offered worldwide.
"To be mindful is to be truly alive, present and at one with those around you and with what you are doing."
Thich Nhat Hanh
Mindfulness Travels provides continuing education retreats to beautiful, inspiring places throughout the world with leaders in the fields of mindfulness-based psychology, process-based therapy, and mindful movement. CE and CME credits are offered to licensed health professionals, including physicians, psychologists, nurses, social workers, and counselors. Our retreats feature science-based education complemented by experiential learning that cultivates present-centered awareness, kindness, compassion, and joy. Cultural and nature experiences add to the liveliness of our retreats.
As practitioners of mindfulness who have fallen in love with the world and its people, cultures, and natural beauty, we are dedicated to supporting your professional education while also facilitating a culturally enriching experience. Our retreats foster community, supportive friendships, and joy, which adds meaning, depth, and aliveness to the educational and cultural experiences that we provide.
We invite you to review our upcoming retreats, which provide you with the opportunity to learn, practice, and refine the skills of mindfulness and gentle mindful movement within a supportive group setting. Our retreats also include guided cultural explorations, nature excursions, tranquil well-appointed accommodations, and delicious healthy meals. CE information for licensed mental health professionals, physicians, and nurses can be accessed on the page for each retreat.
Mindfulness Travels is an educational organization that invites health professionals and other interested individuals to study the art and science of mindfulness in beautiful locations throughout the world. Mindfulness Travels is not a travel agency or tour company.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the awareness that’s cultivated when you remember to pay attention to the present moment with acceptance. It’s more than simply paying attention, and involves remembering what can liberate you from needless stress and suffering. The practice of mindfulness cultivates a compassionate, peaceful relationship with self, others, and the world. It's good for the brain and heart, and increases the capacity for enjoying your life, work, and relationships. Mindfulness is a practice that offers much more than the ability to calm and center the mind and body. We value the ethical dimension of mindfulness practice through thoughts, speech, and actions that cultivate love, compassion, joy, and equanimity in our relationships, while exercising restraint from harmful or divisive speech and actions.
For information about mindfulness and mindful movement, please click on the links below:
Defining Mindfulness: Ancient and Contemporary Perspectives
Mindful Movement for Self-Regulation, Health, and Wellness
Meet our Team
Linda Cammarata, RYT is a Registered Yoga Teacher and retired Registered Nurse who specializes in applying mind-body practices of self-regulation to stress, mood, and sleep health. She is the Founder and Director of Mindfulness Travels. Linda has designed and presented wellness programs at world renowned spas in the US and internationally. She integrates mindfulness, gentle yoga, qigong, and contemporary science into her teachings. Her professional experience spans over 30 years in tradtional and complementary healthcare and wellness settings.
Larry Cammarata, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist who specializes in mindfulness-based therapy and education, including the science and practice of mindful movement. He is the Director of Education of Mindfulness Travels and is also the Director of Training for East Bay Mindfulness Center. Larry is an instructor of Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong who has received training in China and in the US. He was designated as an "Author-Expert" by IDEA for his writing, teaching, and service in the fields of mind-body health, fitness, and wellness. His mindful movement work was presented at the 11th Annual International Scientific Conference of the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine. Along with renowned mindfulness teachers Jack Kornfield, Daniel Siegel, Tara Brach, Sharon Salzberg, Sylvia Boorstein and others, Larry made a contribution to the book A Year of Living Mindfully: 52 Quotes & Weekly Mindfulness Practices (edited by Richard Fields, Ph.D.).
Emily Nichols is a professional photographer, yoga teacher and marketing specialist. She serves as the manager for Mindfulness Travels. Emily met Linda Cammarata at a holistic retreat center in Western North Carolina where they worked together and immediately hit it off as great friends. She was introduced to Larry soon after and went on to learn her first qigong form under his guidance. Since then, Emily and Linda have collaborated on various projects, including a Women’s Retreat to Bali. In her free time, you can find her exploring the mountains or enjoying a mindful trail run with Larry.
Bodhi is the Director of Interspecies Relations of Mindfulness Travels. Our European liaison, Bodhi is trilingual and comprehends the Portuguese, English, and Dog languages. She aspires to cultivate unconditional love, compassion, joy, and equanimity. Bodhi insists that she is not dogmatic. And she loves to play!
Comments from Retreat Participants
Anthony, a participant who attended our 2017 Costa Rica retreat, shares his experience. He found us over the Internet, did his research, and made the decision to join us for an adventure of a lifetime. Click the play icon above to hear what he has to say.
“I had the opportunity to join Linda and Larry Cammarata (L & L) with guest co-facilitator Dr. Ron Siegel for a Mindfulness Retreat in Costa Rica. L & L are skillful event planners and organizers starting with the location choice of an eco-lodge in Costa Rica. Daily itineraries showed attention to detail and included a rich blend of activities supporting mindfulness practices. They demonstrated flexibility in making adjustments as the needs of participants evolved. I wanted to share these thoughts because as travelers know, logistical problems can spoil an otherwise potentially wonderful experience. L & L create sacred space. I experienced awe, grace, humility, gratefulness, gentleness, kindness, connection, surprise, and laughter. I would characterize it as soul laughter. We were asked to consider identifying an intention for the week. I rested in “reclaiming my joy”. During a walking meditation the last day of the retreat, a song showed up in my head and would not be silenced, the theme song from Top Gun, Highway to the Danger Zone. I’ve never even seen the movie. When Mary Oliver asks, 'Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?' I would suggest you consider getting to know Larry and Linda through one of their adventures."
Kay, Chicago
"How can I begin to express my appreciation for my latest Mindfulness Travel experience? With the beauty of the flowers, birds, animals, and ocean waters of Costa Rica as a backdrop Linda and Larry Cammarata created a mindfulness retreat that engaged both my body and mind. Linda organized and tended to every detail and offered wonderful yoga sessions, while Larry helped us begin each day with thought provoking ideas and trained us all in the centering movements of Qi Gong. The daily meditation experiences along with the insightful and interesting perspectives presented by Ron Siegel with his highly informative and humorous style left me filled with ideas about the importance of mindfulness practice in my personal life and my work as a psychologist.
Getting to know and share experiences with a wonderful group of participants from all over the world was also quite special. My thanks to one and all."
G.A., Psychologist
“The greatest highlight was spending time with Larry and Linda and the other participants. I loved the mountains, conversation, mindfulness, the Buddhist and Father Temples, flowers, trees and monkeys. The roadside chickens were a kick and the snorkeling expedition was wonderful. Thank you for the chance to experience Bali through your eyes.”
A. A., MD & S. J., Canada
"In Bali I was able to detach from western ways allowing exploration of my own spirituality in the context of the loving Balinese culture. During the retreat, I felt I could nurture and grow my own spirituality in the safe and supportive spaces that were created, which allowed me to reconnect with my creative and powerful self while being more mindful of my health. Equally important are the new and old friends that shared the journey—a truly life-shifting experience. "
Christina Waters, PhD, MBA
“Wonderfully ‘rejuvenated’ and ‘mindfully’ educated are the words that come to mind when we think of our time in Bali with Linda, Larry and the team.”
J. D., Wisconsin
“I really enjoyed my whole stay and all these aspects. Your attention to our needs and your listening and great empathy have done me a lot of good. I felt like I was filling up with energy physically and morally. I think your approach and your ways are exceptional especially your great authenticity. Thank you for your generosity in terms of time, advice and sharing your experience. It is a privilege for me to know you and to have the opportunity to share with you this type of moment.”
E.R.G., MD, Canada (customized Asheville retreat)
”They were great facilitators and we both learned a lot about the importance of ‘connection' in a relationship. Their teaching style is very down to earth and easy to understand. The second day we got to do some exercises to put what we had learned into practice, which was really great. Aside from being wonderful facilitators, Linda and Larry are also a lot of fun to be around and the food Linda makes is gourmet to say the least. I would highly recommend this to couples who have been together for a short time and also for couples who have been together many years. I feel better able to connect with my partner after having attended the weekend and that is a huge benefit."
R., Asheville, NC
"I have referred about 4 people so far, to your website, telling them about…the retreats I have attended, as well as, about the others offered. You and Linda have created something truly rare, and deeply valuable. It can help change an individual’s entire way of being in the world. And, oh does the world need many more of us. After learning Qigong at the retreat, I am in love with Qigong. I realize my sense of time, while in Sugar Beach, was so present. I never thought about how many days were left, or what life would be after—I was just there-—with myself and each of the individuals in our group. Thank you again for such a beautiful experience."
C.C., Psychotherapist, CA
"I have had the opportunity to join Larry and Linda for more than one of their Mindfulness Retreats with and without a third facilitator. Each retreat has been remarkable. Facilitators are at the top of their fields. There are opportunities to expand one’s inner work and/or clinical practices, relish a spirit of adventure, and enjoy cultural immersion and appreciation. Lovely accommodations are chosen thoughtfully to support the overall intentions of the retreat. Culturally inspired gourmet meals are served. Because retreatants typically share some common values, a supportive sense of community emerges. You will be graciously welcomed whether you are traveling alone or in the company of companion(s). I travel alone and have roomed with kind and thoughtful people."
Solo Female Traveler
"Words cannot begin to describe the magical and adventurous Qigong/Yoga retreat that I attended in Croatia, run by Linda and Larry Cammarata. Their welcoming presence, knowledge/skill of their craft and playful nature set the tone for this beautiful retreat experience in Croatia. Our days were filled with Qigong/Yoga/Meditation and amazing excursions all over Hvar Island that our host provided. The intimacy of our small group allowed for a unique and personal experience. The retreat center offered lovely accommodations and delicious home cooked vegetarian meals. I am already planning my next retreat with Linda and Larry, just cannot decide which amazing retreat/location to attend!"
"I cannot put into accurate words how meaningful the Assisi seminar was both on a personal and professional level. You and Larry are such fluid examples of 'global citizens', your practice and facilitation demonstrate such loving beauty. Thank you for the inspiration to live my truth, take my seat at the table of mindful psychotherapists, and trust that which is fluid within me. We have much to digest in the richness of the seminar. We have grown as individuals, which has allowed our relationship to awaken.”
"Thank you Larry and Linda...I appreciate...the care, commitment and beautiful tending you did for all of us on the Assisi retreat. I found it perfect for this next moment in my life......and it will continue to enrich my life and the lives of those folks I work with.”
G.T., Spiritual Director
Mindfulness Travels: Asturias, Spain Retreat 2019
"You both, in your own unique way, brought much needed lightness and joy into my life, and I can’t thank you enough. You, Larry and Lavinia created an experience I will never forget and left me with some wonderful new tools. So, I find I am a little more open to accepting what life presents and more inspired to start each day anew.”
R.G., Business Owner, MD
"I found your talks and instruction accessible and very helpful to my practice. The retreat exceeded my expectations in all ways. Just being with the group was wonderful too. Most were able to fall into the rhythm of a safe and mellow program and all seemed to benefit. You are both masters of knowing how to support people and provide a very comfortable environment for personal growth. My practice benefited greatly. With a tropical environment and no worries, my meditation brought me to a place of more spaciousness and peace. I intend to make effort to continue this here at home and look forward to another chance to practice with you."
P. E-B, Counselor
I recently attended a Mindfulness Travels retreat in Lefkada, Greece in October. Without a doubt, Linda and Larry Cammarata have honed so many wonderful ingredients to make an outstanding experience! One element of the retreat was state-of-the-art training and experiences in mindfulness with Larry Cammarata. These were always very much in tune with the needs of the participants, nature (including land and animals), the incredibly beautiful retreat grounds, and weather. Larry is a kind, knowledgeable, versatile, and dedicated teacher. He is passionate about all forms of mindfulness and thrilled to see the development in others. Ron Siegel presented an experiential and interactive workshop on overcoming self-doubt, shame, and inadequacy. As always, Ron’s life experiences, training, research, and connections in the world led to an incredibly enriching experience for the participants. His words and examples and clarification led to so much growth. Ron and Larry interacted seamlessly, blending mindfulness, as well as the psychological concepts. Linda Cammarata not only teaches yoga classes which are healing, strengthening, and geared to all levels, but she is the person who makes so many wonderful things happen during the retreat—the location, the delicious food and how it is presented, housing, tending to whatever needs come up for participants. It helps so much that she is a retired nurse, but more than that, she is a nurturing force of the universe! Finally, I can say that wonderful people attend these retreats! This includes Ron’s wife, Gina, and individuals from all over the world. It is such an enriching experience!”
Kate C, Ph.D., Psychologist